Sunday, October 14, 2012

GNUPlots Loops

It is possible now to use 'loop's within the GNUPlot Command. See this link for more details.

The following commands plots 10 blocks with different colours. Remember each block is separated from the other block by a pair of double lines.

gnuplot> plot for [i=0:9] './clusterpos.txt' index i u 1:2 w p

Thursday, October 4, 2012

APT Behind Proxy Server Ubuntu 12.04

This worked for me on Ubuntu 12.04

Create a new file as shown below:

$ sudo gvim  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02http-proxy

and enter the following line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "";

Save the file and run

$ sudo apt-get update 

It should work for you.

One more thing, if your password contains '@' character, then you need to replace it with '%40' in your password.