Friday, February 26, 2010

Debian 5.0 Lenny

I moved over from Ubuntu 9.04 to Debian 5.0 recently. It was not because I did not like Ubuntu. I think Ubuntu is simply great and it has made Linux as user friendly as Windows. But I faced problems in compiling and installing some scientific packages. Hence, I had to move over to Debian. Moreover, I had been using Debian for a long time (nearly 4 years) before switching to Ubuntu. I am quite happy to be back to Debian. The current version 5.0 is certainly better than its predecessors. GUI functions are more stable. I have all the ingredients necessary for my work. I really don't worry about having latest packages as long as the current package is stable and it works. On this aspect, I faced trouble with Ubuntu sometimes. I am planning keep updating my readers about the problems I faced with Debian 5.0 and how to get around them.

Today, I would talk about the problem of VLC player not showing the video. It happened because of debian-multimedia repository. It upgraded some codes and vlc player stopped displaying video. The solution is to remove the debian-multimedia repository from /etc/apt/sources.list and then do the following :

$ sudo apt-get update
$ apt-get remove  ffmpeg libavcodec51 libavdevice52 libavformat52 libavutil49 libpostproc51 libswscale0
$ apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec51 libavdevice52 libavformat52 libavutil49 libpostproc51 libswscale0

$ apt-get install vlc

After this, your VLC player should work normally. It worked for me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Adobe flash on Google Chrome, Ubuntu

If you are not able to see Youtube videos on Google chrome, then probably your flashplayer is not working properly.

For 64 bit machines, download the Adobe flashplayer from this link.
For 32 bit machines, download from here.

Extract from the tar ball :

$ tar -xzvf

make a directory :

$ sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins

$ sudo cp /opt/google/chrome/plugins

$ google-chrome --enable-plugins

You can change this command in your application menu as described here.